Should I Put A Plasma Or LCD TV In My RV?

Having an RV makes family vacations super easy and stress-free. There are so many different ways of customizing your RV so that it perfectly meets the needs of your whole family. If you have ever asked yourself, “Should I put a TV in my RV?” this article can help you. 

Nowadays, taking the comforts of home with you on vacation stretches far beyond just familiar bedding and your own toilet. Technology plays a massive role in our lifestyles and one of the most popular creature comforts is the TV.

While you might not dream of spending time watching TV when you are RVing, sometimes the weather isn’t ideal and all you want to do is relax with your family and watch a movie. In this article, we will look at whether you should put a plasma or LCD TV in your RV.

Should I Put A Plasma Or LCD TV In My RV?

Do I Need A TV In My RV?

It isn’t necessary to have a TV in your RV. You can have a perfectly enjoyable trip without any kind of electronics in your van. With that being said, downtime during a vacation is just as important as all the activities that you will be doing.

This is particularly true when you are traveling with young family members. There are going to be times during your trip when the weather is too bad to go outside, or you want to relax after a long day.

There are also going to be times when your children are bored and need simple entertainment such as cartoons. However, none of these are reasons that mean you have to have a TV in your RV, but it might be something worth considering.

If you are going to install a TV in your RV, it is important that you do your research and choose the right kind of screen for your needs and your RV lifestyle.

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What Is A Plasma TV?

In order to decide which kind of TV you should have in your RV, it is important to understand what the differences are between the two types of TV. Firstly, plasma screens are more commonly associated with large TVs.

They are essentially like neon lamps in terms of technology. The screen is made of glass that is similar to that of a window.

Plasma TVs were incredibly popular in the early 2000s. The image on the screen is bright, and the image can be displayed on screens as big as 63 inches. However, with the big size, bright colors, and solid screen mean that these TVs are not light on energy consumption.

In fact, this is one of the most important things to consider when looking at putting a TV in your RV.


  • Clear and bright display
  • A strong screen that can withstand the wear and tear of road travel
  • No backlighting


  • High energy consumption
  • Quite a thick and bulky unit
Should I Put A Plasma Or LCD TV In My RV?

What Is An LCD TV?

Now that we know what a plasma TV is, it is time to look at LCD TVs. First things first, LCD stands for Liquid Crystal Display. LCD TVs dethroned the popular plasma TVs in the 2000s thanks to the key differences between technologies.

With an LCD TV screen, viewers get a much clearer, high-definition display, even with fast-moving images. This is a significant improvement from the quality of a plasma screen. Another huge difference between the two types of TV screens is the bulkiness.

One of the things that made LCD screens so popular was the much thinner unit size. This allowed bigger screens that took up much less space. This is something that should be considered when looking for a TV for a small space such as an RV.

Because plasma screens are less common nowadays, LCD screens are much easier to come across. It is also possible to purchase LCD screens that are specifically designed to fit into RVs and can be folded away to save on space.

This modern technology can help you fit a TV into your RV with as little fuss as possible.


  • High-definition display
  • Thinner unit size than the plasma screens
  • Units designed specifically for small spaces


  • More delicate than plasma screens

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Should I Put A Plasma Or LCD TV In My RV?

Now that we know what both plasma and LCD screens have to offer, it is much easier to make a decision about which one we want to install in our RV. There is an argument to be made for the humble plasma TV screen.

However, it definitely doesn’t have quite as many pros as an LCD screen. The main argument for installing a plasma screen in your RV is durability.

Because the screen is made of glass that is similar in strength to the glass of your windows, it can withstand a couple of knocks here and there. This is particularly important to consider when installing a TV in an RV.

Depending on exactly where in the vehicle you install the TV there is a likelihood that it will sustain a knock or two from moving things in and out or from general RV life.

Although an LCD screen is much more likely to sustain damage if it is not properly protected during transit or times of high activity in the vehicle, it is often viewed as the better option.

From a purely aesthetic standpoint, the picture quality on an LCD TV screen is significantly better than on a plasma screen. The colors are brighter, the images are higher definition, and there is less blurriness with fast-moving images.

In addition to this, the actual TV unit is always going to be significantly smaller than that of a plasma screen. There are so many reasons why a smaller TV unit is best in an RV, the most important of which is the limited space that you have.

Because of the thinner unit size, there are so many options available to you when it comes to installing the TV in your RV. A regular TV bracket can be used to fix the TV to the wall.

You can also get folding brackets that allow you to position the TV for comfortable viewing in the vehicle. This also means that you can fold the TV out of the way when you aren’t using it.

If you want to get really high-tech with your installation, an LCD TV screen can easily be hidden behind a moving panel in a wall, check out this guide: Where To Buy RV Paneling? (Ceiling And Wall Panels)

This can keep the TV completely hidden when not in use and can also help to protect the more delicate screen.

Final Thoughts

Despite the blissful nomadic daydreams that we have when we think about going on an RV vacation, there is a place for TV screens in your vehicle. Even if you rarely use the TV, it can be a lifesaver when you find yourself with little to do or in poor weather conditions.

Choosing the right TV for your RV and budget is the perfect way to add another creature comfort to your home from home.

Eddie Meyers
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Eddie Meyers
My name is Eddie, and I am an RV enthusiast! I have enjoyed traveling all my life, and want to give my family the same opportunities to see as much of the world as possible. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve discovered how great RVs can be for vacations with a young family. Here at RV Lifestyle Experts, I want to share my experiences, the tips I’ve picked up along the way. I hope that our guides can encourage you to try the RV lifestyle. I promise you that you won’t regret it!
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